近日,俄罗斯莫斯科轮胎及橡胶展览会(TIRES & )与哈萨克斯坦(阿斯塔纳)国际汽车零部件、汽车技术及服务展览会 同期举行。通力轮胎有限公司携旗下多款明星产品亮相展会,再次彰显了中国领先轮胎制造商的实力。
, TIRES & , the tire and in , , and , the auto parts, and in (), were held . Tire Co., Ltd. star to the , once again the of China’s tire .
哈萨克斯坦作为中亚最大、发展最强劲的经济体,是颇具潜力的“一带一路”市场之一。俄罗斯莫斯科轮胎及橡胶展览会 TIRES & 是俄罗斯唯一的轮胎、橡胶制造和贸易展览,是全球汽车零部件和整车制造领域的重要风向标。陆通轮胎在展会上淋漓尽致地展示了轮胎智造的匠心实力与科技创新优势,多款明星产品惊艳亮相,尽展中国轮胎品牌风采。
, as the and most in Asia, is one of the “Belt and Road” with great .TIRES & , the tire and in , , is the only tire and and trade in and an in the auto parts and . Tire its and in tire at the . A of star were , fully the style of the tire brand.
has been to and tire for . This time and short- heavy-duty , – and long- -load and tire , all of which are the of the ‘s and and , and have wear and .
用于矿山的爆款轮胎产品12.00R20 QA996,凭借强大的载荷能力和出色的抗刺扎和抗冲击性、故障率低等性能优势,成为了名副其实的载重王者,市场占有率突出,吸引了许多国内外用户的关注。
.00R20 QA996 for has a load- king with its load , and , low rate and other . It has an share and the of many and users.
12.00R20 QA996胎体具有相互交错的块状花纹设计,能够增强产品在工地混合路面适应性,降低产品肩空冠空的风险。冠部超高强钢丝结构及新型防爆冠带设计技术,保障冠部在超高重载环境下承载性能,并提升轮胎在复杂路况环境下抗刺扎、防顶爆等性能。
12.00R20 QA996 has an block , which can the ‘s to mixed road at the site and the risk of and crown voids. The ultra-high- steel wire of the crown and new -proof crown belt the load- of the crown in ultra-high and heavy-load , and the tire’s to and top in road .
has been to the of China’s tire , high- with , and and to and . These can not only meet the needs of road , but also for and .
the of the of and OE in tire and high in the and , the of high and cost- of tires have come to the fore, and have . has in core and on new top . It and sells to more than 100 and , and has a of top- large-scale , its trade scale and share.
Such are due to long-term in and of its own level and . The has as its core , and has a from raw to , to and . In , pays to green and the of the ” ” goal. The adopt and green , which not only , but also help the and a for green . power.
By in many one after , not only its own and image, but also its and its in the . In the , will stick to its , keep up with , to and in the field of tire , to and meet , and lead new for tire , and show China to the world The power of the brand!
展会先锋;24小时客服微信:371240006(展会名录全拼) 土豆号; yiye1314qq