2023年7月6日,在中国上海举行的2023世界人工智能大会(WAIC 2023)开幕式环节,联合国工业发展组织(UNIDO)发布了成立全球工业和制造业人工智能联盟的倡议(以下简称“AIM-联盟”)。这一开创性的举措旨在响应联合国秘书长关于达成全球数字契约的呼吁,促进在工业部门负责地、可持续地和包容性地应用人工智能,坚持共同原则,为所有人创造一个共享开放、自由和安全的数字未来。
对于联盟的成立,UNIDO总干事格尔德·穆勒(Gerd Müller)先生指出,当下全球的共同责任是确保人工智能领域的发展以安全、道德、可持续和包容的方式进行。他强调了AIM-联盟弥合国家间和产业间存在的数字鸿沟的重要性,确保不让任何人在这场人工智能革命中掉队。他指出,AIM-联盟将站在塑造人工智能愿景的最前沿,共同创造人工智能向善的明天,使人工智能技术惠及所有人,让创新精神在共同价值观中蓬勃发展。
上海市副市长刘多、联合国工业发展组织副总干事兼执行干事邹刺勇、上海交通大学党委书记杨振斌、委内瑞拉人民政权科学技术部信息与通信技术发展副部长格洛丽亚·卡瓦略( )、中国电信集团总经理邵广禄、华为企业沟通部副总裁张园、腾讯云副总裁顾伟、阿里云智能科技研究中心主任安筱鹏以及德国INC创新中心人工智能技术总监本尼·德雷舍尔(Benny )共同启动了AIM-联盟的发布按钮。
在开幕式下午举行的WAIC 2023产业发展论坛上,邹刺勇代表UNIDO发表主旨演讲,呼吁在人工智能这一变革性领域积极参与采取联合行动。他表示,AIM-联盟作为旨在推动工业和制造业的人工智能发展的国际平台,将促进研究,制定道德准则,并为全球的人工智能使用提出政策建议。AIM-联盟将优先考虑人工智能系统的数据保护、隐私和信任,倡导改进机制以保护敏感数据。通过在不同地区建立国际工业与制造业人工智能发展卓越中心、投资教育和培训,这些工作将进一步得到加强,使个人和组织在坚持道德标准的同时利用人工智能进行创新。
UNIDO’s on for and (AIM-) was on 6 July 2023, at the 2023 World AI (WAIC 2023) held in , China. This aims to the , , and of in the , in with the UN -‘s call to a that for an open, free, and for all.
AIM- is a to bring , , and the and who the of AI in and . By under a , AIM- seeks to shape the of AI while that , human-, and at the of .
The of AIM- in the field of AI, high-level , , and from and , who to , share best , and forge . For the year 2023, , ’s and UNIDO and (ITPO) to the to and AI.
LIU Duo, Vice Mayor of , ZOU , to the – and of UNIDO, YANG , of the Party of Jiao Tong , H.E. , Vice for the of and , of Power for and , , SHAO , of China Group, ZHANG Yuan (Vicky), Vice of , , GU Wei, Vice of Cloud, AN , of Cloud, and Benny , of , INC , , the AIM- .
On the of AIM-, Mr. Gerd Müller, UNIDO , out that it is a to that in the field of AI are made in a that is safe, , , and . He that AIM- the of the and , that no one is left in the AI . He also out that AIM- will be at the of the AI , with it, we could work to build a where AI is a force for good, where its are to all, and where in with our .
the WAIC , high-level the of UNIDO’s AIM for and joint in the field of AI。 UNIDO, Mr。 Zou, to the and , a the of AIM-: “UNIDO’s was as an to AI in and that would , , and make for AI use 。
AIM- will data , , and trust in AI , for to data。 These will be by the of AI in , as well as in and to and to AI for while ”。
, AIM- aims to the full of AI, a that , , and the .
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