The 2019 World (WIIC) and & Expo today in , a city in East China’s . ABB the from home and with a of and from , , , and to power grids. ABB will also host a full-day forum on July 26 for in-depth of views on the and of as well as the of .
ABB(中国)有限公司总裁张志强先生受邀出席活动,他表示:“作为新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合的产物,工业互联网正成为未来工业的新引擎。依托工业互联网,构建开放合作、协同创新的生态体系,是满足不同行业智能化转型需求的大趋势。ABB聚焦数字化行业发展,基于通用的ABB ™数字化平台,为工业、电力、交通与基础设施用户提供量身定制的数字化解决方案,并将进一步融合人工智能等新兴技术及强大的软件能力,加速推进智能升级,全面提升产业价值。”
Mr. ZZ Zhang, of ABB in China his on hot as , high-end plus with , and from and , “With the deep of the new- with , is a new push to the of . To build an open, and based on the the to meet the needs of of .”
“With a focus on the , ABB has been for , , and , by the ABB ™ . We will such as and ABB’s to help and value .” said ZZ.
ABB承办的“数字化赋能产业”平行主题论坛,将通过14场专家演讲和两场专题讨论,探讨数字化技术赋能智能制造、智慧城市和智慧能源的路径与实践,主题覆盖ABB ™与机器人技术、工业软件传递未来制造价值、数字化传动装置状态监测、基于工业大数据的设备健康智能管理、过程工业、石化行业、船舶行业中的数字化、未来智慧城市、智慧能源管理等话题。
ABB will also hold a forum 14 and two panel , on smart , smart and smart by . The will cover a wide range of , , big data-based asset , the of AI , the in and , oil and , smart , and smart .
ABB众多创新产品亮相同期举行的青岛软博会,通过430余平米的展台全方位展示领先的ABB ™数字化解决方案,涵盖工业机器人、数字化传动装置、智能电机、伺服运动控制、柔性电驱动输送、过程工业数字化、智能配电、智能楼宇控制、电动汽车智能充电、有源电能质量和岸电技术等,可广泛满足客户从发电端到用电端全方位的市场需求。
At the same time, ABB is also its at the China & Expo. The 430– is – ABB ™ , , , smart , servo , , of , power , smart , smart for , shore-to-ship power , the from power plant to any plug.
is a major and one of the key for ABB in China. As a new first-tier city, has and a . The city has out plans to the of AI with the real , the of smart and , with an aim to the city into a world-class for high-end , rail and new- (NEV).
ABB a long list of local and in , such as Haier Group, Gaoce, Group and Co., Ltd. ABB’s and have many and key in the . For , ABB has a of and for a fully at Port, the venue and of the SCO , lines of metro, the plant and new NEV plant of BAIC Group.
the event, ABB has also with -based Heavy Group Co., Ltd., Linyi Real Co., Ltd., PLC., Co., Ltd. and Co., Ltd. ABB’s – and with the ‘ , both sides will join to the of , and the in .
In the years, ABB has kept pace of in and a in the with six , two , and a in , which is to – and for and North China . In , ABB has also been with local in on and the ABB Cup to boost for .
ABB(ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex)是全球技术领导企业,为数字化行业提供全面的产品、服务与解决方案。基于超过130年的创新历史,ABB成为以客户为中心的数字化行业领军者,拥有全球领先的四大业务——电气、工业自动化、运动控制、机器人及离散自动化,以及通用的ABB ™数字化平台。ABB领先的电网业务将于2020年转让给日立集团。ABB集团业务遍布全球100多个国家和地区,雇员达14.7万。ABB在中国拥有研发、制造、销售和工程服务等全方位的业务活动,44家本地企业,近2万名员工遍布于130余个城市,线上和线下渠道覆盖全国约700个城市。
ABB (ABBN: SIX Swiss Ex) is a with a for . With a of more than 130 years, ABB is today a in with four -, : , , , and & , by its ABB ™ . ABB’s Power Grids will be to in 2020. ABB in more than 100 with about 147,000 . ABB has a full range of in China, R&D, , sales and , with near 20,000 in more than 130 , 44 local , and and 700 .
展会先锋;24小时客服VQ:371240006(展会名录全拼) 土豆号; yiye1314qq